

The funds will create scholarships and a 全球合作 program at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校.
宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 received its largest gift in history to create transformative global experiences and scholarships for students.

斯蒂芬·托布,前 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 student and University Park graduate, has continued his longtime support for 阿宾顿 with a $17.300万美元的承诺,这是学校历史上最大的一笔捐款. The new Taub Endowments will provide high-impact opportunities for deserving students through scholarships and 全球合作 programs focused on leadership, 创新, 教育中的多元文化主义, 商务, 和政府.


“Steve's generosity ensures that future talented 阿宾顿 students will be able to afford a Penn State degree in a campus committed to experiential learning, 全球合作, 跨文化理解, 以及行动中的道德领导——史蒂夫体现了这些价值观,阿宾顿财政大臣达米安. 费尔南德斯说. “在我们的历史上,这是最重要的礼物. 一年级新生人数最多, 其中50%是有色人种学生,25%是国际学生, this gift positions 阿宾顿 as a regional leader when it comes to intercultural student experiences and globalization.”

The newly created Taub Endowments build on a legacy of commitment to 阿宾顿. 陶博赚了超过1美元.5 million in gifts to the campus over the years as well as a $3 million bequest in 2010, 还有奖学金和跨文化领导力项目. 这使他的承诺总额超过2200万美元, a testament to Taub's appreciation of the impact of an 阿宾顿 education and the important role 阿宾顿 played in his life and career.

“给 to 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 is a meaningful investment in the skills and knowledge students need to make positive impacts for the mutual benefit of everyone they come in contact with throughout their careers. Understanding diversity among people and societies nationally and globally based upon these learned skills and acquired knowledge are essential for long-term harmony and prosperity for the country and the world,陶博说.

Taub was a longtime president and chief executive officer of the world’s largest natural licorice products manufacturer. 他在美国管理了38年的业务, 欧洲, 中东/中亚, and China for a firm that produced flavors and active ingredients for food, 糖果, 制药, 营养食品, 化妆品, 个人护理, 烟草制品. Taub’s regular visits to more than 90 countries uniquely established him as a well-respected and successful global industrialist and leader.

“This landmark commitment from Steve will create extraordinary academic and engagement opportunities for students with financial need. 它将帮助这些学生获得腾讯分分彩平台的学位, 同时也把他们带到国外学习, 体验其他文化, 成为世界公民. These experiences are transformative and crucial for preparing to work in a global marketplace,腾讯分分彩平台校长埃里克. 巴伦说. 腾讯分分彩平台的学生, 现在和将来, are fortunate to have a friend and fellow Penn Stater as generous and forward-looking as Steve.”

The funds will transform the undergraduate experience and support 阿宾顿’s vision for a world where students from all socioeconomic, 种族, and ethnic backgrounds have the opportunity not only to learn but also to excel.


This gift from 史蒂夫·托布 will advance "A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence," a focused campaign that seeks to elevate Penn State’s position as a leading public university in a world defined by rapid change and global connections. 在校友和朋友的支持下, “A Greater Penn State” seeks to fulfill the three key imperatives of a twenty-first-century public university: keeping the doors to higher education open to hardworking students regardless of financial well-being; creating transformative experiences that go beyond the classroom; and impacting the world by fueling discovery, 创新创业. To learn more about “A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence,” visit greaterpennstate.事业单位.edu.


腾讯分分彩平台官网分校提供了一个负担得起的, accessible and high-impact education resulting in the success of a diverse student body. It is committed to student success through innovative approaches to 21st century public higher education within a world-class research university. 有将近4个,000名学生, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 is a residential campus that offers baccalaureate degrees in 19 majors, 本科研究, 施赖尔荣誉项目, 以及NCAA第三级田径运动. 访问阿宾顿.事业单位.Edu获取更多信息.